You get to level up the lab as you play, or. All of the old URLs will continue to work just fine. Rack 2: Furry Science is a phenomenal sandbox game if you want to experiment on furries and just see what happens. You play the role of a scientist at Rack Laboratories, where you conduct sexual experiments for research and profit Platform: Windows. With R2CK coming up, I figured it was probably a good time to switch to Amazon for content delivery. Rack 2 is a bondage-themed adult video game featuring predominately furry / anthropomorphic characters.
and touch 1,2 or 3), once its done go out back to elevator (dont go up) and talk to the person or use the pc near him/her for collect the data, turn back (stay in elevator) and use the other pc for go into the matrix (the fuck i know how to call that, but remember me the matrix lol) and use your points for unlock perks/things. 7 years ago Heyooooooo So the webserver I've been using to host Rack and Bedplay characters has been acting a little sluggish lately.

go to subject on "chair", clic E on it (i think its E), do stuff with it until he/she orgasm to collect the data stuff (using hand,mouth etc. Rack 2/ Furry Science folder.) Please note that this will delete your existing save data Make sure youve backed everything up before deleting anything If.
Service Pack Download Rack2-Filer V5.0 Service Pack 10 (V5. Enter building, pass desk (bablabla), go in showers (customization if needed), continu out of showers, go straigth and talk to person on desk (select subjects, select room, validate) go in elevator, go down, go out of elevator, right in subject test room. Rack2-Filer Downloads PFU HOME > Products > Rack2-Filer > Downloads Downloads Important: An issue in importing image data has been verified when creating key text blocks by OCR in Rack2-Filer V5.0.